CBA Bowling Athlete Spotlight: Matthew Murray ’20
The CBA winter sports season is in full swing, with many teams looking to build upon their successes from last year. With a 29-4 record, the varsity bowling team has been red hot so far this season, and is looking to make a statement as they head towards tournament season.
One of the most important bowlers on team for the past four years has been senior Matt Murray, who has also been a captain since his junior year. With one impressive match game after another, the two-sport athlete – he also plays baseball – has been a major contributor to this year’s success.
Albeit mostly playing for recreation before CBA, Murray has bowled his whole life. However, his CBA career began during his freshman year when he was looking to try something new during the winter.
The current coach of the team, Mr. Reynolds, played a large part in the Murray’s recruitment to the team.
“It led to a good relationship with him, and I made a lot of good friends freshman year,” Murray said. “That also helped me move into the community of CBA, as well as build new relationships.”
His favorite moment of his four years occurred last weekend, when the team took a trip to Texas. They had the opportunity to volunteer at the North Texas Animal Shelter, attend a Dallas Mavericks game, take a tour of AT&T Stadium, and bowl at the Bowling Hall of Fame in Arlington.
“We had a lot of fun, and I got even closer with the guys on my team,” Murray explained. “So now we have an even better comradery for the rest of the season.”
This trip will only be that much more impactful for the team later in the season, as they will try to qualify for the state tournament. Murray believes that they will qualify for the state tournament, and will look to lead the Colts to their first bowling state championship in CBA history.
Next September, Murray will be attending Villanova University, where he plans on joining the club bowling team. However, the current task at hand for the senior is the first state title ever for the Academy.