CBA Continues Strong Start with 2022 Enrichment Fair
A new year means new opportunities for CBA students to engage in various clubs all over the school. CBA has more than 30 different clubs with each having it’s own features.
These clubs can range from something fun to do with your friends like Scrabble or Ping Pong Club to those who want to lead the school with their smarts and ability to argue like in Math Team and Speech & Debate Club. CBA even has a club for those who like Martial Arts and self-defense. If that sounds up your alley, go to CBA’s Jiu-Jitsu club.
This week, many freshmen and sophomores explored their interests, hoping to find a new hobby in one of CBA’s many fascinating clubs at the 2022 Enrichment Fair. Will Sakoutis ’26 immediately knew he wanted to be a part of CBA’s Lasallian Youth Club. “I love to help people out, be a part of a charity, and get some service hours as well. It is all a really good cause.”
Christian Menditto ’25 joined CBA Pipes and Drums as a freshman. He enjoyed it so much that he is continuing this new hobby this year as well. “Overall, it is just a good time. It doesn’t take too long to learn the pipes at all either.” CBA Pipes and Drums venture out to perform all over New Jersey and beyond, said Menditto. “We are going to play in New York’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, local parades, and even senior citizen centers as well.”
Sean Najdzinowicz ’25, a deeply invested Latin student, immediately knew he wanted to be a part of CBA’s Latin Club. “We are having movie nights, and we will even be doing Chariot races at the end of the year. It is going to be a really good time.”
Although certain clubs may not spark everyone’s interest, there is something for everyone at CBA. Whether it is Students Against Destructive Decisions, where students join Mr. Frake for pizza twice a month and discuss how to make smart choices as a teen, or the Adventurers Club who goes on trips to sporting events, Six Flags, Top Golf, and even Hershey Park, CBA is full of great extracurriculars for students to get involved.