Heath Freshman Run begins Class of 2023’s CBA journey
Now known as the “Heath Freshman Run”, the freshman run is dedicated to legendary CBA alumnus, cross country coach, and math teacher, Tom Heath ’65. Heath, now retired, started the dual-meet cross country win streak that has now reached 364. Needless to say, the opportunity to run the storied cross country course is a special one.
Every freshman class in CBA history has run the 1.3-mile “Freshman Run” to start their year. Previous winners and placers have gone on to excel and achieve great things for the cross country team, but what was originally meant to be simply a recruiting mechanism has blossomed into much more.
“The freshman run gave me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and truly experience the CBA brotherhood for the first time. I’m glad the tradition lives on today,” recalled senior Jack Hipchman. Many graduates and upperclassmen have had similar experiences with the run, and the freshmen were honored to take part in this great tradition. Freshman Tyler Straley put it the best saying, “I feel like my freshman class became a family after today.”
The trek is a staple in every Academy Man’s career, as it signifies the commencement of the long journey to come. Much like four years at CBA, the run may seem daunting and strenuous, but completing it is rewarding and memorable. Not only are freshmen taking part in Academy tradition, but they are also learning what they can accomplish through hard work and the support of their brothers.