Meet Mr. Houston: New Theology Teacher At CBA

Meet Mr. Houston: New Theology Teacher At CBA

Christian Brothers Academy welcomes back one of its own as Mr. Houston returns to his old high school, this time as a theology teacher for freshmen and sophomores. In a fun and interesting Q&A, Mr. Houston shares his journey from CBA student to educator, reflecting on the experiences that shaped his path and the changes he’s witnessed in his school.


What encouraged you to come back to CBA and become a theology teacher?

As a student, I always enjoyed taking religion classes at CBA and the adjoining service opportunities that went along with them. Going into college I was not sure what subject would be the best for me to study, which led me to focusing on religion classes for my first semester. It became clear very early on that I really enjoyed these classes. Not only did I get to study material that I found engaging and interesting but I got to study across the world.

Getting to teach Religion not only do I get to share knowledge of the material that I am interested in but I have been able to take students on service trips around the country. Returning to CBA was an easy decision because of my belief in the mission of the school and excitement of being a part of the service programs.


If you had any previous jobs of teaching before CBA, what were they, and where?

I worked at the DeLaSalle Blackfeet School in Montana and Lacordaire Academy in North Jersey. At DLSBS I taught 4-8 English and History and helped coach the basketball team. At Lacordaire I taught 5-12th Theology classes and was the campus minister. I coached the rowing team at Lacordaire as well.


During your time at CBA, did you do any sports, and was there anything different now than there was when you were here?

As a student I was very active at CBA, I was a rower, wrestler, rugby player, and a member of the jiu-jitsu team. I made lasting friendships doing all of these different sports and look back at the time spent doing them fondly.

The absence of the big Bruce painting was certainly a surprise when I entered the new dining hall for the first time. It is great to see all of the new electives that students have the opportunity to take part in.


Did you have any teachers during your time at CBA that are still here?

I would say that 70% of the teachers that I had when I was student are still here as teachers. It may take some getting used to referring to them as their first names.


Mr. Houston’s story shows the lasting impact on the school’s mission and values. His return brings a unique perspective to the classroom. With his teaching experience and passion for service, Mr. Houston is ready to inspire a new generation of CBA students, continuing the legacy of faith, learning, and community service that brought him back where his own journey began.