New Teacher New Environment: Q&A with Mr. Amnott

New Teacher New Environment: Q&A with Mr. Amnott

In this new CBA school year underway there have been some changes. This year there are new schedules, electives, and even new teachers. Through the halls of CBA, you can find many of the new teachers and faculty.

These teachers being new need to learn about CBA. They need to know about the history, tradition, and culture of the school.  Most importantly the need to know the students. 

However, many students also need to learn about these new teachers. One teacher this article will focus on is the new English teacher Mr. Amnott.

Mr. Amnott is an English teacher at CBA with multiple prior teaching experiences such as middle school, high school, and college. He graduated from Seton Hall University and is very passionate about sports, movies, plays, and books. 

He loves to share his thoughts, knowledge, and favorite parts of movies, songs, and books often using them to relate to the class. Frequently having numerous conversations with students about sports and music.

To help students and the CBA community to get to know Mr. Amnott, I was ble to ask him questions that will give people a chance to learn about a new teacher at CBA.


What made you want to start teaching?

My father and my older cousin are the main reasons why. I look up to both of them and their inspiration definitely was a plus to get into teaching. 

What motivates you as a teacher? 

Seeing students become their best selves motivates me the most. This is something that always happens by the end of an academic year and it is such a pleasure to see it come to fruition. 

What has been one of your favorite teaching experiences? 

Teaching at my alma mater is definitely at the top of my list. I started teaching at Seton Hall at 22 years old and continued on and off as an adjunct professor once I started working full-time. I have honestly enjoyed each place I have taught at. 

How is CBA different from where you taught prior? 

CBA is definitely the best fit I’ve had in teaching. It is a school whose reputation precedes it and I am honored to be a part of the CBA family. 

What are you most excited about this new school year in a new environment? 

I would say to meet the students and my faculty members. I am looking forward to building relationships and getting involved in the CBA community. 

If you had to use a song, movie, or book to describe your teaching style, and how you run your classroom what would it be and why?

I would say a combination of Sean McGuire (Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting) and Mr. Anderson (Paul Rudd in Perks of Being a Wallflower). What I learned from both characters and how I try to employ what they did is to care about their students as people first, and students second. 

How do you plan to keep your class engaging and make students excited for your class? 

I try to bring a blend of an old-school approach with new-school tactics. I like to teach the classics and bring in some newer material and technology to help keep the students engaged. 

What’s something about you that you want CBA students to know?

Firstly, I am a diehard Boston Red Sox and Washington Commanders fan. Also, I am a huge music fan and have worked in the industry as a music journalist while I lived in Los Angeles. 

What are some of your favorite hobbies and things to do and why? 

I love to work out, spend time with my wife and family, watch baseball and football, and coach a lot of baseball when I am not teaching.

If you had to have four guests for dinner dead or alive, who would they be and why?

  1. Jackie Robinson- One of my heroes for how he overcame adversity for the sake of all Americans.
  2. F. Scott Fitzgerald- My favorite author of my favorite books. In my opinion, literature does not get any better than Gatsby and for someone to crystallize a generation in his prose is beyond impressive.
  3. My grandparents- My best friends and greatest inspirations. They are both no longer with us, as I lost my grandfather nine years ago and my grandmother this summer. I learned so much from them and would do anything to have more time with them. 
  4. Mac Miller- My favorite musician of my lifetime and someone who spoke to me like no other artist alive or dead. 


All in all, Mr. Amnott is a new teacher at CBA with many fun facts and is very active in multiple activities and passions that many students can relate to, especially with music and sports. Mr. Amnott is very excited about this new school year and to meet new students.