Realizing What Oath Day Truly Means
Going into Oath Day, I had no idea what to expect.
A simple signing of the Academy Oath was about all the knowledge I had. Obviously, countless questions lingered in my mind, but specifically one: what was Oath Day truly? A simple signature that signified brotherhood, truly becoming a member of the Christian Brothers Academy, a catalyst for my years ahead was the only answer I could come up with, albeit an obvious one.
So what was the answer that I had been looking for?
When I had arrived on that day donning my mandatory blazer, there was something in the air, something that I had been woefully unprepared for. I had arrived early that day, giving me plenty of time to reflect and ponder, and thus went to the cafeteria for breakfast. I spotted a table with a few of my friends and sat down. Instead of standing up to go get breakfast, I sat there in silence, deep in thought, occasionally piping into a conversation my friends were having. But, I mostly thought about what was to come. Eventually, the bell rang and everyone headed to homeroom, and soon after that, the freshmen were called to Henderson Theater. We all filed in and took our seats in the crowd. Mrs. Szablewski then stepped up to the podium stationed directly in front of the centermost row.
She welcomed us, saying something along the lines of, “this is a special day, Freshman Run Day was about assimilating into the Class of 2027, but today, you will forever cement your name into the Christian Brothers Academy community.”
After she spoke, she called up our guest speaker. Our guest speaker was none other than the Student Council president himself, Michael Tesauro. He started off his speech reflecting on his own freshman year experience, when he was sitting in this same room for the exact same reason. He told us what it meant to sign the Oath, how important this was, and how it isn’t as simple as easy writing your name on just another sheet of paper.
It was becoming more and more obvious. This signature was a huge commitment, and from this day forward, we will be committing ourselves to CBA’s traditions and values.
As everyone sat in silence as Tesauro finished his speech, I sat there ruminating on what he had said.
Tesauro’s words resonated with me as I tried to grasp a deeper meaning. I understand now, I thought. Oath Day was the first step in becoming a man. A man of integrity, a man of honor, a man of God.
When I had come to terms with what I had heard, I realized how naïve I had been this whole time. I had not been a man for others, at least not yet. I didn’t care much for other peers because I didn’t believe they cared about me. I comprehended the fact that I had been going about this all wrong and this day could be a fresh start. But the true first step to becoming an Academy man is understanding – and realization.