Reflection Series: Paul Gannon ’20
With the CBA campus closed due to the worldwide coronavirus outbreak, students have been encouraged to submit their thoughts on this unexpected development in the school year.
Here is a submission from Paul Gannon ’20.
“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean
To say that times have changed right now would be an immense understatement. Change can be looked at as difficult, ugly, ruthless, and a few other adjectives that are not very pleasant, but it can also be looked at as an optimistic opportunity.
It doesn’t matter how much you think you have done, what matters right now is how you react to this change. What defines us is when we choose one of two paths: to let change destroy us or let change make us better.
As precedent in the quote above, we must figure out how to adapt and overcome these difficulties. The prayer I present to you is this: “God, in these times of uncertainty, help me focus on what I CAN control, and not on what I WANT to control.”
Do not forget that we are in this together. Be with your loved ones, and learn from these experiences, so that we can all come out of this better than we were going in. God Bless You All!
Paul Gannon ’20