Spikeball Tournament kicks off 2021-22 Clash of the Classes
As another school year begins, so has another Clash of the Classes. Over the course of this year, each grade will try to prove that they are the best class at whatever competition is thrown their way.
On Monday, September 20, and Tuesday, September 21, teams of two from all grades signed up to “clash” in a spikeball tournament, set up by the CBA Student Council. Each grade competed against other duos within their own grade, with the winner of each grade securing their spot in the final four.
The underclassmen played on September 20, and the upperclassmen played the next day. The qualifiers were set up bracket-style, where teams faced off until one team reached eleven points (while securing at least a two-point lead), and then that team was declared the winner of that game.
Each grade level played in a double-elimination tournament, meaning that a team had to lose two games before they were disqualified from the tournament. So if a team were to lose their first game, they could regroup and make a run and win their qualifier. However, the teams that won their early matches set themselves up for an easier path to success as both the junior and senior champions each won their first two games.
As the spikeball nets were put away after the second day of qualifiers, only one team from each grade level remained. These teams will compete in the final four championship event on Wednesday, September 29 during enrichment.
The winning team will get their class off to a strong start for this year’s Clash of the Classes. But don’t worry, there will be many other events in this year-long competition so there will still be plenty of time for the other grades to catch up. The Student Council will set up many events throughout the year, and anyone can compete to represent their grade.
Ranging from three-on-three basketball to a video game tournament, there will be a variety of different events that anyone from any grade can come out on top of. The seniors look to make sure that everyone knows who runs the school, while the freshmen try to make a name for themselves at CBA.
However, it is important not to overlook the remaining two grades in these competitions, as the sophomore team had a very strong performance on Monday, and the junior champions went undefeated in their qualifying match on Tuesday. Both teams will look to finish the job in the finals on Wednesday.
The Clash of the Classes is always a fun way for students to get involved in the CBA community while providing a competitive atmosphere for the contenders. Whether people come looking to win, or just to hang out with some friends, there’s room for everyone with plenty of excitement to go around.
Nevertheless, there can only be one winner, so it is important that each grade gets the representation they need to give themselves a chance at winning. This event has become so popular, that some members of the Student Council who helped organize the events come to compete for their grade level.
When the spikeball champions are announced during enrichment on Wednesday, we will see which grade will take command of the early lead, and which grades will need to put in the extra effort in order to win the 2021-22 Clash of the Class.