This is Jeopardy: Remembering Alex Trebek
This Canadian-born game show personality became an American pop culture icon while hosting Jeopardy!
Who is Alex Trebek?
On Sunday, November 8, Alex Trebek, the host of the iconic game show Jeopardy! for the past 36 years, passed away peacefully, surrounded by his loved ones. Trebek had been battling stage four pancreatic cancer for almost two years. Even though he is no longer with us, his unrivaled legacy will live on for decades to come.
Trebek became the host of Jeopardy! when it was revived in 1984 and he instantly became a fan-favorite with his talks with contestants, elegant readings of every clue, and moments of sly humor, which almost always made the audience laugh. Nobody else could have done this job for over three and a half decades with the near-perfection that Alex Trebek displayed.
Jeopardy! saw its highest number of ratings during Ken Jennings’ 74-game win streak in 2004 and more recently during James Holzhauer’s 32-game win streak in 2019. But not only were these viewers witnessing game show history, but they also got to see Trebek at his very best during Jennings and Holzhauer’s respective runs.
“Alex wasn’t just the best ever at what he did. He was also a lovely and deeply decent man, and I’m grateful for every minute I got to spend with him,” Jennings said this week after Trebek’s passing.
Trebek had won the respect and hearts of the entire Jeopardy! community, both the contestants and the fans.
In March 2019, Trebek surprised everyone when he announced that he was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. While most people would keep this part of their lives private, Trebek decided to keep the fans of Jeopardy! informed of his current health situation through his 18-month battle.
Trebek continued to host as he fought his disease, and even said during the season 36 premiere of Jeopardy! in the fall of 2020, “I’m still here.” This was monumental since he survived a full year with his pancreatic cancer, which only 18-percent of patients with his disease do. Trebek was defying the odds as he fought for his life.
In October 2020, Trebek went under surgery related to his cancer, but just two weeks later, he was back at work taping more episodes for Jeopardy! The show’s executive producer, Mike Richards, even told CNN that the crew was stunned Trebek even returned to the stage that quickly.
Five episodes were filmed on October 28 and 29, which would be Trebek’s final episodes, as he passed away less than two weeks later.
His memory will live on through his memoir that was published in July of this year titled, The Answer Is…: Reflections on My Life. This memoir recounts Trebek’s amazing life experiences, including his incredible hosting of Jeopardy for 36 years.
Trebek will go down as one of the greatest game show hosts of all-time, receiving seven Emmy Awards for most outstanding game show host during his time on Jeopardy!
Jeopardy! will continue with a new host in due time, as the only thing constant is change. Coincidentally, Jennings has been rumored as Trebek’s successor dating back to the summer when Jennings was brought on as a producer.
Regardless of who ultimately hosts the family-favorite show, Jeopardy! will never be the same without Alex Trebek, and quite frankly, will always be considered “his show.”
Photo credit: USA TODAY.