An Ode to CBA Model United Nations
As Co-Secretary General of CBA’s Model United Nations, I am excited to give you a look at all the hard work we have been preparing for this year’s middle school conference.
Our work started back in May; we began discussing the new ideas for committees. This gave birth to our most popular committees at the conference this year, “IMF: Cryptocurrency” and “Security Council: A New Cold War.” These committees were planned for months, and the amount of work going into the ten-plus pages of information has been insane.
Most importantly to me was figuring out the elephant in the room; will it be in-person? Daniel Francis and I worked closely with Dr. Gustavsen to ensure that the event would be in-person, and thankfully it will be this year. We felt this was the best option, even if it meant moving the conference back; in-person conferences truly allow delegates to flourish and practice their skills.
When we returned to school in September, we immediately got back to work. We officially formed six committees, and hours of work were spent creating the background guides.
With an outstanding staff of forty-two students, ranging from seasoned veterans of CBA Model UN to first-year students just introduced to the world of Model UN, every one put in an extensive amount of work. We were able to ship out the background guides earlier this month.
Since then, almost every night during November, we have hosted zoom sessions after school to help prepare the delegates. Sessions contained information on each committee and also taught delegates about parliamentary procedure.
Though our conference was pushed back till March, everyone in the club has done an outstanding job, and we can’t wait to hold the conference. The 9th Annual Christian Brothers Academy Model UN conference is sure to be one for the history books.
Special thanks to:
Dr. Gustavsen and the SAGE Cafeteria Staff
This Years’ Staff:
Andrew Nardiello ’22, Daniel Francis ’22, Daniel Mooney ’22, Jorge Gana ’22, Chris Heite ’24.
This Year’s Chairs:
Luca Scardino ’22, Ryder Lucich ’22, Alek Polesky ’22, Eamon Sullivan ’23, Paul Biancamano ’23, Christian Carapucci ’23, Matthew Thorn ’22, Jack Butler ’23, Tom Ern ’22, Saujan Christie ’23, Daniel Francis ’22, Sukraj Goraya ’23, Daniel Mooney ’22, Casey Hoffman ’22, and TJ Meehan ’23.
Thank you all for your hard work this year, and thank you to the administration for your continued support of CBA Model UN.