Reflection Series: Michael Jakub ’21
With the CBA campus closed due to the worldwide coronavirus outbreak, students have been encouraged to submit their thoughts on this unexpected development in the school year.
Here is a submission from Michael Jakub ’21.
To begin, I’d like to express my gratitude towards the CBA administration. They’ve been doing a great job keeping everything organized and keeping our education impactful during these unpredictable circumstances.
Due to the COVID-19 virus, many of my classmates, including myself, are unable to partake in our spring sports. All of the student-athletes at CBA have put in countless hours working for this upcoming season, and it has been a great disappointment that our seasons have been severely altered. Personally, the greatest difficulty of this quarantine is not being able to see my brothers, as well as the faculty at CBA. I’ve been missing all the bonds, laughs, and memories created alongside my brothers.
During this break, I’ve spent much of my time focusing on my school work, spending time with my family, and catching up on all the latest movies. I encourage all of you to find a book, show, or board game to help take your mind off the stress as this is a very unprecedented time.
It’s times like these where we realize how much we take the everyday CBA experience for granted.
Not every student can be lucky enough to experience the CBA brotherhood. I’m certain that when we go back to the Academy, we will cherish the school days more than we have in the past. I believe that following this event, the CBA brotherhood bond will only be stronger. Knowing not every school day is guaranteed, I know that the student body understands what a blessing it is to be a part of the CBA community and hope it inspires them to enhance their career at CBA.
I truly hope all of you guys are doing well and staying safe. I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
God bless.
Michael Jakub ’21