The beginning of something great
My sophomore year started on the same day everyone else did: on orientation day.
Slightly nervous, I stepped into a classroom in which people still wore masks. That room was 105, and the only person in that room was Mr. Lutz. I was the underclassman in the media homeroom, so I became an adopted member of room 504, Mr. Frake. I reunited with friends that day, took pictures and looked forward to a year that would finally be normal.
My classes were certainly different from last year. With a few new teachers and a completely new group of guys, I met many new people this year. The true beginning of the year came in October, at the dance. By that time, I had a group of friends and looked forward to a fun night. It was certainly something. In the meantime, I focused on writing articles, and improving my journalistic skills. My grades vastly improved from last year, and I worked harder than ever.
After a few memorable Digital Network broadcasts in the fall, I was ready for an exciting winter broadcasting season. Under the guidance of the seniors and Mr. Lutz, I improved my commentating and writing skills in the busy season. I commentated a few JV basketball games and was on the staff for most of the varsity games. This year had a large impact on my life, and it was really the beginning of my high school career. There were some games more exciting than others, but overall the winter season was a very successful one for me and it was practice for the larger feats I would like to achieve in my upperclassmen years.
After the broadcasting season died down it came time for the period of the school year nobody likes, February. But February did bring on some excitement as I traveled to Boston for my first ever BOSMUN. It was also my first ever CBA trip and it was one I will never forget. From going to the Celtics game to just meeting kids from other states, it was a very memorable experience. It was another instance where I met many more kids from CBA that I didn’t even know. Then after that came semi-formal. That was the night I became good friends with John Lakeman. Our dates were best friends, along with his friend Mark, we all hung out before semi-formal. The dance itself was very fun, the girls had a great time and it was one of the first true CBA events I experienced. It was what came after which changed my whole sophomore year.
It was about a week later when I texted a friend of mine, to ask if he wanted to start a podcast. My idea was that we should do a sports debate one, it would be fun and funny. So we went back and forth, then I figured I’d text Lakeman and see if he wanted to be involved behind the scenes and that’s when the idea came to me. Sitting, supposed to be studying for a Mr. Sewing Theology quiz, I came up with Sounds of The Shore. Or Songs of The Shore, as it was originally called. And the rest is history from there. Lakeman became one of my best friends, the podcast has become popular in the student body and more and more people listen to every episode.
Entering the final months of school, the seniors of the DN graduated and left Conor Doogan and I at the head of the network. It’s a leadership role I take very seriously. To end the year, I tried out for the Colt Morning News Reporter, a position that’s pretty famous in the Heite family. After anxiously waiting one day, I found out I got the role along with a senior.
The future certainly looks bright, and junior year may be high school’s hardest year, but I believe it will be the best. I know most of the grade, I’m getting leadership roles in many different clubs and much more. One thing is for sure, I can’t wait to come back in September for my third year.