The Return of Student Council

The Return of Student Council

The Student Council at CBA has been working extremely hard this year, making sure big events are planned. Ms. Dee, Ms. Morello, and Mr. Cusick have been working to make this the most memorable year of Student Council in recent time. After a very successful Freshmen Run Day, I spoke with Ms. Dee about what Student Council has planned for the future months.

New as of this year, Battle of the Classes is a competition between grade levels where members of each grade can scan into a QR code at various different events like sports games, plays, musicals, and more. For the less popular sports and events, points will be doubled to encourage attendance. The winning grade at an event receives five points and by the end of the year, the winner will get a prize that is to be determined. 

Student Council will also be hosting dodgeball, spikeball, cornhole, and quiz ball tournaments during the Enrichment period. After a successful dodgeball tournament last week and a successful quiz ball during the Freshmen Run Day, the Student Council is adament about making tournaments like this consistent. The tournaments will not be weekly, but good attendance may

Movie nights are also back in full swing for 22-23. They will be held outside with food and drinks being sold. Here’s the kicker: friends and family from other schools are welcome!

Yet another way Student Council will be improving attendance will be to have three-point contests during the basketball games. During halftime of home games, students will be selected at random to participate. This will give the Varisty Gym something to watch while the Colts talk it over, as well as something for students to participate it.

The Student Council moderators and members have been working very hard to make this a fun year for everyone outside the classrooms. The Council is always open to any new ideas, so if you have any creative ideas that you think may be a success, you can talk to any of the moderators or executive board members. Get ready for a great year with Student Council!