Utopia: An Under-appreciated Masterpiece

Utopia: An Under-appreciated Masterpiece

In 2013, British TV network “Channel Four” commissioned a new drama created by Dennis Kelly. The show was called Utopia and ran from 2013 to 2014.

Though it was difficult, I struggled to view this show in its entirety due to regional restrictions, and it is fantastic. Starring Adeel Ahktar, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Alexandra Roach, and Fiona O’Shaughnessy, Utopia mixes bleak comedy and serious emotional beats to perfection.

The story revolves around a comic book that has predicted countless events such as diseases and wars, has been discovered to have a second part. The second part was highly coveted by fans of the comic book, Wilson, Becky, Grant, and Ian.

The show revolves around the comic book having a key that a large multi-national group wants to use to decrease the world population “peacefully.” And frankly, that’s the most I can give about the show. It’s simply too good for me to spoil the plot.

This show is a must-watch; the music is eery and off-putting but a masterpiece. The color palette is significantly different from other sci-fi dramas; the acting is done to perfection. I can’t sing this show’s praise enough, but I implore you to watch. This. Show.

You can find Utopia (2013-2014) on Amazon Prime; make sure it is the British version, as the American version is significantly worse. Check out “Utopia” and give it the love it deserves.