CBA Hosts 6th Annual Blood Drive

CBA Hosts 6th Annual Blood Drive

This past Tuesday, CBA hosted its annual blood drive, sponsored by the American Red Cross. Now in its sixth year, the blood drive has continued to bring the CBA community together to help families in times of need.  Students and teachers donate each year, putting CBA’s Lasallian values in practice.

“Many people are counting on blood donors and you can be a part of that,” said Mrs. Szablewski, encouraging students to participate.  This opportunity to give back and support the local community was cherished by the student body as over 15 students participated in the drive throughout the day. In addition, many faculty members came to Alumni Hall to donate, including President Brother Frank.

The American Red Cross employees were ecstatic to see how many students were willing to take time out of their day to help save a life. They truly appreciate the CBA community and continue coming back as they can count on our support. Events like this remind students of their blessings and encourage the school to get involved in community outreach.

Those that did not have the opportunity to donate should strongly consider helping out next year, or donating at a local drive in their community. It is a stellar chance to contribute to something great.