Network Legends: The Hardworking Homeroom
The CBA Digital Network has only been around for a few years, but there have already been many decorated members.
Since 2018-19, students in the network have been able to work together by meeting in their homeroom. This was created so moderator Mr. Jason Lutz could meet with members of the club to talk about upcoming CBA media projects.
“The homeroom is really the creative team for the CBA Digital Network,” Lutz said. “We discuss new ideas, talk sports, and schedule broadcasts in those important ten minutes each day.”
Many tasks are accomplished every day during homeroom. The editors work on articles and get them posted, new ideas are pitched, and broadcasts are planned.
This year, the homeroom is made up of nine students, who represent the leadership of the CBA Digital Network. Let’s meet them:
Andrew Nardiello ’22 – Creative Director
Ryan Ragan ‘22 – Managing Editor
Hugh Straine ‘22 – Managing Editor
Chris Ern ‘22 – News Editor
Chris Tsimbinos ‘22 – Broadcast Manager
Chris Carrino ‘22 – Lead Broadcaster
Tom Antonucci ’22 – Sports Writer
Conor Doogan ‘23 – News Editor
Chris Heite ‘24 – Video Manager
Jon Heite ‘20, a former Colt Morning Sports reporter and Digital Network sports director, talked about his experience in the homeroom:
“Having a homeroom just dedicated to the Digital Network is unique compared to other high schools,” Heite said. “I not only enjoyed hanging out with my friends, but I also enjoyed mentoring the younger members of the network, who currently run the media outlet today.”
If it weren’t for the efforts of both the creative team and Mr. Lutz, the broadcasts and media coverage of CBA wouldn’t be as prominent as they currently are. The homeroom is only a few years old, but so much has already gotten done in the first ten minutes of every school day.
It has been very successful so far, and the homeroom will hopefully continue for the foreseeable future…..